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Actual advice: Check the online log before requesting QSLs
Yesterday around 21:40Z my call was used by a pirate on 10126kHz. The QSOs 4 hours earlier on 10109kHz were done by me. Please check the online log before you request QSL cards, in particular when asking for direct cards.

Online QSL Request System started, DL4ME is my QSL manager now
Last months more and more direct QSLs did not find the way to my P.O. Box in Dar... So we have been looking for a efficient and safe way to get QSLs from my side. As a result we are now introducing a Online QSL Request System, that will be handled by my dad DL4ME, who is my QSL manager now. Thanks to Ron for facing this work and to my brother Rene for establishing the system.
With that system we can send you QSLs direct or via the bureau. But we can not answer QSLs incoming via the bureau anymore. It is a compromise, but we hope for your understanding.
QSL Route (23.11.2008)

DL1CW on Safari and on Air in Tanzania
Its been a great pleasure to welcome Egon and his xyl Isi here in Dar es Salaam. In the early 80th we both started our "hamcareer" at the clubstation in Strausberg near Berlin. Not much has changed in all this years: Egon is still not touching a mike and my cw is still not good enough to really talk with him by a keyer...Hi.
Im pretty sure, Isi and Egon enjoyed the different places, the people, the water, the Nationalparks and the athmosphere her in Tanzania. Not least, we were glad to have them also here in Dar for a few days and enjoyed the time with them very much.
DL1CW in Tanzania (30.10.2008)
5H3AP in Dar
5H3AP in Dar es Salaam

DL4ME was here
After I have been very seldom QRV since January, I was forced to improve my antenna situation now. My mum and dad (DL4ME) visited us and 5H3ME was desperately waiting to get in the air. My new job and the new QTH would not have been an excuse anymore for having no antennas...Hi. It is still a simple multiband dipole and the 160m antenna is not up yet. Anyway, my dad enjoyed it very much, to sit on the other end of the pile up this time. And most important: We have had a great time all together here.
DL4ME in Tanzania (03.08.2008)
Visiting 5I3A
Visiting 5I3A

New QSLs arrived
New QSL-cards arrived from the printer yesterday. The backlog of about 10 days is done and all QSLs have been sent. Sorry for the little delay.
Current QSL card & route (06.07.2007)

160m last night
Great condx last night, loud signals from europe and fairly from PY and VK6. Not least: local noise was down this time. 51 contacts was a good start - it seems, the dipole is working. One half is full size at 14m up, the other half is sloping and bent after 20m. The remaining 19m are just 3m up, but provide a resonant length. (08.05.2007)

First antenna setup completed
Did put up the 160m dipole today. Have had a nice shower while fixing one side in the neighbours mango-tree. The cloudburst has been a welcomed refresher, before the heat came back. Together with the multiband inverted vee Im now ready to go for 160m to 12m. 10m antenna will come soon. (02.05.2007)
dipole moving up...
dipole going up...
Inverted Vee 80-40-20
Inverted Vee 80-40-20m

5H3EE website is online
I am 3 years now occasionally on air as 5H3EE and came back two weeks ago. Starting in 2004 I was operating from the club at the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology. Meanwhile I am qrv from home 20km outside of downtown DAR. I guess, its a good time to launch this website to provide some information. Its just a start and I will try to add more content every now and then. This will also be subject to change. (01.05.2007)




  © 2007 by Mike Stange •  webmaster(at)zawadi.de